From 2018–2019, I was able to assist the Kentucky Lottery in growing their following and engagement rates across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter through both paid and organic posting. On Facebook, page likes increased by 31.55%, and engagement increased by 316%. Instagram gained a following increase of 174%, and we were able to increase the Twitter following by 132%. Below are just a few of the posts I made for them.
Social art direction, photo editing, animation & video editing by me
Social strategy, copy, and reporting by Rocky Perez & Samantha Castillo
SOCIAL MEDIA - Winner announcements
Whenever we received a winner, we would utilize a celebratory overlay and talk about their winning story in the post’s copy.
We posted a winner every Wednesday for our “Winner Wednesday” series. Showcasing a high rate of winners helped dispel some of the negative connotations the lottery was receiving.
Powerball & MegaMillion Trigger Video Series
To drum up interest and engagement when jackpots reached high amounts, I created and edited an organic and paid social series asking people what they would do if they won the jackpot. With no budget for this shoot, I rounded up friends and co-workers to interview while making sure to show a diverse array of people from age, gender, and interest.
Organic & paid social MEDIA
Kentucky Lottery’s main goal with their social media was to promote new scratch-offs, draw games, online games, and promotions. In turn, we created vibrant posts celebrating winning, Kentucky state pride, and a sense of fun and humor sprinkled into the mix. We also found ways to turn our posts into engaging games themselves such as screenshot capture, seek and find, and guess that game.
Facebook 360 / Seek and Find
Our most popular, and best engaging, social media games were our seek and finds utilizing Facebook’s 360 panoramic feature and Instagram carousels. We would ask the audience to count all the tickets hidden in the image and comment with the correct number. Time and time again, these were our top performing posts each month.